5 Good Things
These days it’s not always easy to find the good in the world. In fact, most days it takes a real effort just to get through the day. Rather than feel that way, today we provide you with a “starter kit” of 5 Good Things to give us all some positive vibes and regain...
Is it Time to Breathe Yet?
Is it time to breathe yet? Good question. We have all been adjusting to this “new normal.” It’s not so new and it’s definitely not very normal. Skilled Nursing Facility providers have been put through the wringer in the past 2+ months at a multitude of levels....
How Are You Sleeping?
How are you sleeping? It’s usually the second question I ask, or am asked, right after, “how are you? These continue to be unprecedented times. Clinicians, friends, and healthcare workers here in New York and around the country still show us not all heroes wear...
Tips on Working from Home
It’s no secret that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the American workplace. While those of us working from home are grateful to be working, many struggle with the challenges of how to be efficient & productive while missing in-person interaction with co-workers....