Well, 2022 sure has gotten off to a rocky start for healthcare providers.  Did anyone see that coming?  Once again, healthcare providers are facing tremendous adversity from a variety of directions. The good news is that NO ONE is tougher & more resilient than healthcare workers, and we prove it time and time again. Healthcare workers are dealing with:

  • Riding the wave of Covid and variants
  • Loss of key workers and leaders in buildings
  • Uncertainty about the future
  • Wondering if there an end in sight for Covid?

Those are just the concerns WITHIN the SNF industry.  Never mind everyday life.  Yikes!

Remember this: Every day we live we have success.  Do you stop and count your blessings each day?  It’s easy to focus on the things that didn’t go well during the day.  Don’t forget to stop and think about the positives that we do have in our lives.  Some of my favorite tips are:

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Meditation
  • Developing an exercise routine
  • Maintaining perspective
  • Learning to let go

Our team at Language Fundamentals and SLP Communication Foundations continues to focus on enhancing the profession of speech-language pathology and providing speech therapists with an atmosphere for professional development.  We are here for the patients!

 Good luck and hang in there! We will get through this!