A young child in need of Early Intervention Services can be eligible for a variety of services to help them with developmental delays and disabilities. Having access to Ongoing Service Coordination can be extremely helpful to families in need.

 If you, your child’s doctor, or other care provider is concerned about your child’s development, ask for a referral to an early intervention program near you to find out if your child can get services to help.

 This could mean that a young child:

 •        Is not reaching age-appropriate milestones

 •        Has been diagnosed with certain medical conditions, or

 •        Has a social or medical history which could potentially put them at risk for a developmental delay

 This is where an Ongoing Service Coordinator (OSC) comes in!  An OSC becomes the quarterback of your child’s Early Intervention program and guides parents through the process to find the ideal programs for their child.

 SLP Communication Foundations is now providing Ongoing Service Coordination to children in Dutchess County who need Early Intervention Services.

 Ongoing Service Coordinators typically perform the following tasks:

 •   Identify key service providers such as speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, daycare, parental support, and more.

•    Facilitate communication among members working with your child

•    Coordinate the services outlined in your child’s Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) and regularly review progress

•   Act as a valuable resource to parents in measuring child’s response to Early Intervention services

•    Ensure parental involvement in the planning and evaluation of your child’s progress and services

•   Assist in the transition to other services when your child no longer needs Early Intervention or is transitioning to preschool services through the Committee for Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

 We are proud to begin offering this service to young children in need throughout Dutchess County.  If you have any questions, please contact us at 845-897-3330.