Sights and Sounds from “Lights, Camera, Reimbursement”
Last week, Language Fundamentals attended the annual Zimmet Healthcare Services Group conference, “Lights, Camera, Reimbursement.” Nearly 1,300 stakeholders from the long-term care community gathered to hear the latest industry information following the release of...
CMS Announces SNF Reimbursement Cuts
UPDATE: The Fiscal Year 2023 Final Rule will be released soon and CMS is planning reimbursement cuts for SNFs despite an enormous amount of public comments voicing concerns & criticism against CMS’ planned cuts. SNF operators question CMS’ logic of...
PDPM SLP Component: How Does your SNF Compare?
The PDPM SLP Component is proving to be a reimbursement opportunity if your SNF has the right expertise. Since the inception of PDPM the speech therapy department has become empowered, playing a larger role in Part A reimbursement. The SLP Component is one of 5...
PDPM Rates – Only Minor Changes for FY 2022
In a surprise move, CMS announced that they will not be adopting any major reductions to SNF PDPM reimbursement rates. Instead, SNFs will receive a modest 1.2% increase in PDPM Rates when FY 2022 begins in October. SNF providers had been bracing for a major...