Preventing Rehospitalizations: How Speech Pathology and Nursing work as partners
Last March, we had the privilege of presenting at the ACHCA convention with one of our best friends, Alicia Cantinieri from Zimmet Healthcare to discuss the collaboration between speech language pathology and nursing, specifically to reducing and preventing...
Case Mix Limbo – Welcome to New York
New York State recently froze Medicaid rates for payments to SNFs until a new case mix reimbursement system is implemented. Welcome to limbo-land! The big question around the industry is – just how long will we be living in limbo-land? It is pretty clear...
How Does Speech Therapy Impact PDPM? Inside the Numbers
Do you know if speech therapy is truly making a positive impact on PDPM at your SNF? It’s that time of year when we begin anticipating new Medicare rates as part of the FY 2024 Final Rule. Let’s go inside the numbers and look at how the speech language pathology...
Medicare Bootcamp 2023: What’s on the Horizon?
Language Fundamentals leadership recently took part in a Medicare training session led by Alicia Cantinieri of Zimmet Healthcare Services Group. Alicia provided an informative & interactive seminar that included the most important SNF Industry Medicare updates....